Saturday, January 23, 2016

Where customers are called patients

Welcome to Chandler, AZ, home of the Heart Attack Grill, which caters to people not afraid to indulge.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Sy Perlis and the Fountain of Youth

On June 8, 2013, 91-year-old Sy Perlis broke the World Association of Benchers and Deadlifters record of 135 pounds with a bench press of 187.2 pounds.  The previous record for the 90-and-over category was set in 2005.

Please note: In the competition video he is wearing a Titan Katana bench shirt, a supportive device that can increase bench press performance significantly.  Nevertheless, Sy, who wears a pacemaker, is an amazing man and should inspire us all, young or old.

Here's an interview with Sy:

An early George Gershwin song from the musical "Miss 1917"

  Today, February 12,2024, marks the 100th anniversary of the debut of George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" in Aeolian Hall in...